Of interest.

Kategorie: News

12. 11. 2018

Successful acquisition of a real estate company for our client

PEYTON legal represented a major private investor in a successful acquisition of a real estate company owning a lucrative office building in Prague. The value of the transaction was in lower hundreds of millions of CZK. Our law firm provided the buyer with a complete legal service including transactional advice, preparation of contractual documentation and …

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05. 11. 2018

PEYTON legal in brand new offices

Today, the company PEYTON legal advokátní kancelář s.r.o. started its business in brand new offices in FUTURAMA BUSINESS PARK complex at Sokolovská 668/136d, Prague 8 – Karlín, Czech Republic. The path leads to us directly from the metro or tram station Invalidovna and we can also offer our visitors parking spots – do not hesitate …

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