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Kategorie: News

30. 07. 2021

Kurzarbeit the Czech way

The amendment to the Employment Act, implemented by Act No. 248/2021 Coll., brought the institution of a part-time work allowance, or so-called kurzarbeit, into the Czech legal system with effect from 1 July 2021. General The amendment to the Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, as amended (the Employment Act) provides for a legislative implementation …

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29. 07. 2021

Will there be changes in the regulation of home office?

Working from home has undergone a stress test in the past year and has become one of the important tools in the fight against the pandemic, although the legislator did not pay much attention to this matter when drafting Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended (hereinafter the “Labour Code“). A group of …

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26. 07. 2021

PEYTON legal participated in the creation of the sustainable e-shop Nakup na Dobro!

Today, a unique socially responsible e-shop Nakup na Dobro from the Association of Social Responsibility and the social enterprise Ergotep was launched. As part of the campaign on Hithit.cz, we became its partners and we also provided pro bono legal services as part of its development and preparation for live operation. Many thanks for participating …

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23. 07. 2021

Sustainable development – we play for the Partnership for the SDGs!

The SDGs Beach Volleyball Cup 2021 on Císařská louka will take place for the second time on August 13, 2021 and it is behind the corner. The tournament is organized by the Czech Association of Social Responsibility and PEYTON legal as a proud member and partner of the Association signed up and put together a …

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