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Kategorie: News

31. 05. 2023

Banning CBD and other cannabinoids in food and food supplements?

In mid-April this year, the European Commission published a statement confirming that cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids derived from the plant Cannabis sativa L. (hemp) are considered novel foods under Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union on 25 November 2015 on novel foods[1] (the “Novel Food …

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28. 04. 2023

Current status of the amendment to the Labour Code and an overview of expected changes

In early April 2023, the government of the Czech Republic approved a draft of an extensive and long-discussed amendment to the Labour Code, moving it further along in the legislative process. Status of the amendement With the exception of some changes, which we draw your attention to later in this article, the amendment was approved …

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25. 04. 2023

CSRD, NFRD and CSSD – what are the EU sustainability directives about?

Sustainability is currently a topic of intense debate within the European Union. In recent years, the EU institutions have gradually issued and, over time, continuously updated legal documents and measures covering this topic. The most important of these are the CSRD, the NFRD and the CSSD. You can read about the legislative history and legal …

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20. 04. 2023

Successful divestment of the early seed investors of Twigsee

PEYTON legal represented the early seed investors of Twigsee, s.r.o. – Jinej Fond, s.r.o. and Mr. Jiří Hlavenku – in the divestment of Jinej Fond, s.r.o.‘s stake in the company and the renegotiation of the terms of Jiří Hlavenka‘s investment financing as part of the entry of a new strategic investor. Twigsee founder Vanda Seidelova …

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