Kategorie: News
ESRS standards – S in ESG
In addition to environmental impacts, which you can read about in the previous article “ESRS Standards – E in ESG”, which can be found at the link here another area that ESG addresses is social factors or social responsibility. Although environmental factors receive the most attention across business, government and the general public, it is the …
Read moreExtension of temporary protection for citizens of Ukraine allowed again – until when can it be extended and what other changes await foreigners?
On January 1, 2024, Act No. 454/2023 Coll., the so-called Lex Ukraine VI, came into force, amending Act No. 65/2022 Coll., on certain measures in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation (the “Amendment“). Thus, the Amendment again allows citizens of Ukraine who are currently holders of …
Read moreESRS standards – E in ESG
We have already presented the ESRS standards, general requirements and standards for the content of non-financial reporting in general terms in previous articles. The criteria introduced by the ESRB cover and detail the areas covered by the concept of ESG and specify the reporting requirements for non-financial reporting, which will apply to a large number …
Read moreESRS standards, reporting content and general reporting information
The CSRD, the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, will gradually introduce new obligations to provide more detailed and comparable information on the sustainability of companies and the non-financial aspects of their business from 2024. ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) provide guidance on what information companies will be required to report and how. The obligation …
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