Kategorie: Mergers and acquistions
Successful transaction – sale of the industrial real estate complex near Prague
PEYTON legal has provided comprehensive legal services to the seller in the sale of a large industrial real estate complex near Prague to a major Czech investment company with a European presence. The transaction took place at the end of 2021 in the form of a share deal and the PEYTON legal team assisted the …
Read moreSuccessful acquisition of the company DRUID CZ s.r.o.
PEYTON legal represented the Vendeavour, a.s. group in a successful acquisition of the company DRUID CZ s.r.o., a major producer and distributor of quality food and healthy nutrition products. Its product portfolio includes also unique rolled pastries well-known on the market under the brands “Grandmother’s noodles” (Babiččiny nudle) or “Grandmother’s pastries” (Babiččiny těstoviny). Our law …
Read moreSuccessful sale of the industrial real estate park
PEYTON legal represented a major client in the successful sale of the industrial real estate park. The value of the transaction ranged in the upper tens of millions of CZK. Our law firm provided the seller with a complete legal service including transactional advice, review and negotiation of contractual documentation and addressing all legal issues …
Read moreAcquisition of an operator of a portal ProAlergiky.cz and PreAlergikov.sk
PEYTON legal represented the company STROH und Soehne s.r.o. in a successful acquisition of Cyril & Metoděj, s.r.o., a company operating the web portal ProAlergiky.cz, which is the largest e-shop specialising in goods and accessories for people with allergy and portal PreAlergikov.sk.
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