Of interest.

Kategorie: Labour Law

28. 02. 2020

Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) spread on employers

The media is currently full of reports regarding the spread of so-called coronavirus (more precisely COVID-19) around the world. The virus is now also present on the European continent, and the prognosis suggests further spread. The aim of this article is not to spread panic but rather to provide basic insight into the issue of …

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27. 01. 2020

Expected amendment to the Labour Code submitted to legislators – summary of planned changes

Introduction Year 2019 was a year full of great, but in many ways unfulfilled, expectations for labour law, the government’s amendment to the Czech Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Labour Code”) has been subject to extensive discussions as its content was supposed to adapt labour law …

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29. 11. 2019

Are tips the white elephant?

We often deal with questions from clients doing business in hospitality, services or retail regarding so called tips. You would look in vain in the Czech legal order for specific legislation of tips. It is an institute that is not explicitly regulated by any Czech legislation. In this article, we would like to outline the …

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25. 10. 2019

Technostress and possible legal consequences for employers for its creation

If an employer decides to support the popular trend of employment relations flexibility and in addition to comfort in the form of work benefits such as business phone, laptop or tablet also grants its employees the benefits of home office or teleworking, he should not forget about risks that may arise this flexibility in connection …

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