Kategorie: Corporations
Advance on shareholder’s and member’s profit share
In its recent decision,[1] the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic has considered the nature of advances on profit share paid by a joint-stock company to its shareholders. This decision is interesting in that it clearly defines the nature of the advance on profit share and further determines which corporate body should decide on it. …
Read moreWhat is the new draft law on preventive restructuring supposed to bring?
At the end of July 2021, the Ministry of Justice submitted for comments a draft of a completely new Act on Preventive Restructuring (the “Act“) to transpose the European Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency[1] (the “Directive“) into Czech law. Generally The comment procedure on the draft Act was closed on 27 August 2021, and it …
Read moreRegister of beneficial owners – the deadline for registration is approaching
Further to our previous articles on the registration of beneficial owners and Act No. 37/2021 Coll, on the registration of beneficial owners (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the registration of beneficial owners”), in particular the article New legal regulation of the registration of beneficial owners – summary of fundamental changes, which clearly informs …
Read moreEmerging insolvency from the perspective of statutory body members and restructuring in the Czech legal environment
This article is a loose follow-up to our previous article on the increased risk of liability of members of the statutory body in the event of bankruptcy of a business corporation under the new legislation effective as of 1 January 2021. The aim of this article is to provide members of the statutory body of business corporations …
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