Of interest.

Kategorie: Corporations

02. 04. 2020

Compensation of damages for members of the Czech-Moravian Brewery Association

Our law firm will cooperate with the Czech-Moravian Association of Microbreweries (ČMSMP) on providing legal services to its members in claiming compensation for damage caused by the crisis measures adopted by the Czech Government and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in connection with the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19). Specifically, our office will carry …

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28. 02. 2020

Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) spread on employers

The media is currently full of reports regarding the spread of so-called coronavirus (more precisely COVID-19) around the world. The virus is now also present on the European continent, and the prognosis suggests further spread. The aim of this article is not to spread panic but rather to provide basic insight into the issue of …

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13. 02. 2020

Per rollam decision-making in the Amendment to the Business Corporations Act

In the Collection of Laws was on 13 February 2020 published the first major amendment to Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (Business Corporations Act), as amended (hereinafter “BCA”), which will (predominantly) come into effect on 1 January 2021. The amendment, inter alia, substantially changes the adoption of any general meeting’s decisions …

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31. 01. 2020

What changes will the Amendment to Business Corporations Act brings?

The first major amendment to Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (Business Corporations Act), as amended (the “Amendment”), of which we informed you already last year, was on 29 January 2020 signed by the President of the Czech Republic and will be published in the Collection of Laws in the coming days. …

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