Of interest.

Kategorie: Corporations

25. 07. 2024

Prerequisites for liability of a member of an elected body for tax defaults

On 18 June 2024, the Supreme Administrative Court issued a judgment No. 10 Asf 4/2024 – 38, in which it adopted the legal opinion that the tax administrator is entitled to independently assess and decide on the obligation of members of elected bodies of legal persons with tax arrears to pay them on the basis …

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18. 07. 2024

Amendment to the Transformations Act: what is changing?

The long-awaited amendment to the Act on Transformations of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (hereinafter the “Transformations Act”) brings about significant changes to the legal regulation of transformations with effect from 19 July 2024. Although the amendment is primarily a reaction to an EU Directive[1], some of the changes brought by the amendment are the result …

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20. 06. 2024

Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CS3D)

The European Parliament has approved the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD) or CS3D (the “CS3D”)[1] . The CS3D sets out rules for the conduct of large corporations with respect to human rights in their operations, including production, employment and subcontracting chains. About CS3D in general CS3D obliges companies to mitigate the negative impacts …

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06. 03. 2024

ESRS standards – G in ESG

In the last two articles, we have looked at the environmental impacts of “ESRS standards – E in ESG” link here and the social factors of “ESRS standards – S in ESG”, which can be found in the link here.In this article, we will focus on the third and final area. The letter G or …

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