Of interest.

Kategorie: Civil Law

27. 05. 2024

Legal specifics of the lease of logistics and storage facilities

Proper and efficient logistics and warehousing have always been, and still are today, at the heart of any trade in goods and one of the indicators of a successful business. Any complications in these areas can have major implications for the liability and financial stability of businesses. In this article, we shall examine the basic …

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10. 05. 2024

Collective Action Lawsuits Have Passed the Chamber of Deputies

On 10 April 2024, the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved the Civil Collective Proceedings Draft Law, which will allow consumers and minor entrepreneurs to pursue their claims in court together through a collective action. In this article, we will focus on the concept and basic principles of collective proceedings …

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19. 04. 2024

Legal aspects of the implementation and operation of a photovoltaic power plant

The generation of electricity from renewable sources, specifically through photovoltaic power plants (the “PV power plant”), is an actual topic. As it is a rather complex issue, this article aims to present the basic legal aspects that accompany the construction and subsequent operation of a PV power plant for the production and sale of electricity. …

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12. 02. 2024

Unjust enrichment from a contract that only one party knew had been terminated

In practice, it is quite common to encounter a situation where the contracting parties unknowingly continue to perform the contract on both sides, even though the contract has already expired and none of the original contracting parties is obliged to perform under the expired contract. When one of the original contracting parties discovers that for …

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