Kategorie: Business Law
Changes related to the distribution of profit and other own resources and the advance on the share of profit according to the amendment to the BCA
In the following article, which is the next in a series in which our law firm focuses in more detail on the changes that will bring the first extensive amendment to Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On business companies and cooperatives (Business Corporations Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as “BCA”), the majority of which will …
Read moreSpecial obligations in case of insolvency of a business corporation according to the amendment of the Business Corporations Act
This article is a part of our law firm’s series which introduces changes brought by an extensive amendment of Act No. 90/2012 Sb., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (the Business Corporations Act), as amended (hereinafter the “BCA“), effective in majority on 1 January 2021. In this article, we discuss specifically the new regulation of the …
Read moreReturn of employees to the workplace – victory or challenge?
In connection with the gradual relaxation of restrictive measures taken in the context of an emergency to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Czech Republic, issues related to the restoration of the function of affected areas of social life, including employment, are becoming more and more topical. Employees often want to return to …
Read moreCompensation of damages for members of the Czech-Moravian Brewery Association
Our law firm will cooperate with the Czech-Moravian Association of Microbreweries (ČMSMP) on providing legal services to its members in claiming compensation for damage caused by the crisis measures adopted by the Czech Government and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in connection with the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19). Specifically, our office will carry …
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