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25. 05. 2020

Special obligations in case of insolvency of a business corporation according to the amendment of the Business Corporations Act

This article is a part of our law firm’s series which introduces changes brought by an extensive amendment of Act No. 90/2012 Sb., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (the Business Corporations Act), as amended (hereinafter the “BCA“), effective in majority on 1 January 2021. In this article, we discuss specifically the new regulation of the …

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30. 04. 2020

Return of employees to the workplace – victory or challenge?

In connection with the gradual relaxation of restrictive measures taken in the context of an emergency to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Czech Republic, issues related to the restoration of the function of affected areas of social life, including employment, are becoming more and more topical. Employees often want to return to …

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27. 04. 2020

The prohibition on lease contract termination was approved in an amended form by the Parliament of the Czech Republic

In our article dated 6 April 2020, we reported on two government draft laws containing certain measures to mitigate the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic on tenants of housing and business premises. As both draft laws have already passed the complete legislative process and undergone certain important changes during the discussion in the Parliament …

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24. 04. 2020

What does the Lex Covid Act bring?

The epidemic of COVID-19 led to the adoption of number of crisis measures in the Czech Republic, which, for obvious reasons, also had indirect effects on specific areas of everyday life. Impacts on the area of ​​judicial, administrative, criminal and other proceedings, executions, insolvencies and the functioning of legal entities were taken into account by …

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